Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

fourth task

Should the government spend more money on improving roads and highways, or should government spend more money on improving public transportation (buses, trains, subways)? why? 

talk about public transport and roads. is talking about congestion. I think personally, I agree with the question. the government should improve the quality of public vehicles and public roads. because now, the existing public transport is not like what is desired and expected by many people. transport current is not comfortable, do not clean, and unsafe, current transport is very dirty, very disturbing, and very dangerous. government should improve, the government should improve the vehicles that have been damaged so that the vehicle should be like, and buy new ones to replace vehicles that have been badly damaged and is not allowed. because it was not done by the government then there is congestion. passengers do not want to ride public vehicles, ultimately they prefer to buy their own vehicle, vehicle volume as a result more and more, and the roads will be filled with vehicles, it creates a traffic jam.
in addition to transportation, the government also had to repair the damaged roads. many potholes and damaged roads in Jakarta, and it is very disturbing road users. potholes and damaged it can be a nightmare and pick-up their lives for the riders. berlbang and damaged roads can also cause congestion, the motorists drive slowly past the potholes, and the vehicle behind him was doing so, it creates a traffic jam.
so in essence the government should improve public vehicles and public roads, at any cost. if this happens, it is likely macalah traffic congestion would be solved.
and I agree with this.

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